Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sexual Intercourse Essay

Sexual Intercourse Essay

Sexual intercourse also referred to as copulation or coitus is in the most common sense the act involving penetration of female reproductive tract (vagina) by a male reproductive organ (penis). Coitus is the basic reproductive method of humans. But the term “sexual intercourse” may also be used in describing other types of intercourse (e.g. oral or anal). Excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution are the phases of the sexual response cycle as defined by Masters and Johnson in 1966. Another approach to the definition of cycle was offered by Helen Singer Kaplan, a prominent sex therapist. The response cycle included desire, excitement and followed by orgasm.

In a typical heterosexual intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis, the coitus is preceded by a sexual arousal. The male’s blood flows to the penis to produce an erection. The female’s vagina becomes naturally lubricated, its inner part gets wider, and the clitoris gets bigger. The bodies of both partners may become more sensitive. The coitus involving the insertion of the hardened erect male reproductive organ into vagina follows the foreplay that caused the sexual arousal for both partners. The penetration is also known as intromission. After the intromission one or both partners move their hips to cause friction of the penis inside the vagina.

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The plateau stage is characterized by more rapid breathing becomes and further muscles tension. Both male and female genitals become more sensitive and may swell a bit in the time of arousal. Male testes enlarge while the female clitoris retracts and the outer vagina contracts.

The male’s orgasm is usually accompanied by the ejaculation (a series of muscular contractions that deliver semen containing spermatozoa (the sperm cells)). A female orgasm may also be described as a series of muscular contractions followed by shiver and even spasms. A female may also ejaculate producing some fluid from the urethra. During an orgasm heart rate and the blood pressure reach the maximum heights.

The resolution state brings a feeling of relaxation for both partners. Their body begins to return to normal state (in both size and color), when the blood flows out.

The sexual intercourse is has recreational (sexual pleasure), reproductive (children), and relational (emotional intimacy) advantages. The latter probably is the most meaningful for the couples in love.

There are some problems sexual partners may face: one of them is the problem of getting sexual arousal.

For example, for women, the presence of vaginal lubrication does not indicate that a woman is fully ready for intercourse. At the same time absence of moist does not mean she is not aroused (some women produce very little moisture). In such cases the partners use water-based lubricants. Males sometimes suffer the erectile dysfunction, or impotence. Lack of sexual arousal may be caused by medical conditions or psychological reasons. The latter will not be resolved by using Viagra, and the underlying problem should be resolved with a doctor. The female lack of arousal may also be caused by both physical and psychological reasons. In any case, consulting a specialist would be desirable and beneficial.
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